Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Chemistry 212
General Information for Semester II, Spring 2018
Maryellen Nerz-Stormes, Ph.D.

Bryn Mawr Insignia


Home Page

Office Hours

Chem 212 Schedule

Chem 212 General

Useful Web Sites

Texts and supplies:

  • Bryn Mawr College Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual Spring 2016 (online).
  • Laboratory Goggles (strap on type)
  • Laboratory Notebook (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.) - (can use old notebook with space)
  • (all of above available in the bookstore)


All students should obtain an e-mail account at the computer center. Periodically, vital information will be sent via e-mail using Moodle..

The following information is very important and should be carefully noted by each student.


Laboratories will be held according to the schedule given on this web site. which is also lab manual.


Lab lectures are on Monday 8 AM and 1 PM Tuesday in Physics Lecture Room and Room 180, respectively. They are required.


It is expected that all students will attend all Chem 212 laboratory sessions and lectures on time. Prompt, regular attendance is mandatory. It is also expected that all students will be able to stay for each laboratory period in its entirety. Make-up labs will be permitted only in sick or emergency circumstances. Please do not miss labs!


Basis for Grading:


Lab Reports


Synthesis project and associated assignments


Laboratory Technique


Laboratory Note Book (seriously evaluated! See II below)

Quizzes at the discretion of your instructors.

PLEASE NOTE: While the figures above represent the breakdown of the laboratory grade, the laboratory grade will constitute 30% of the composite lecture/lab final grade. The lecture grade will constitute the other 70%.


Supplemental materials such as exam answers, practice problems, spectra and reserve materials on Moodle. There is a link to this website on Moodle.


In accordance with the BMC Honor Code, all individual laboratory reports must be written independently. While you are encouraged to ask for basic guidance from your instructors and peers, group work while writing the reports or study of "old" lab reports is not acceptable.


Similar rules as above apply to taking laboratory exams. Quizess must be taken independently, without consulting peers or course materials.   Exams may not be taken earlier than the dates scheduled.
Possession of "old" exams or tests other than those provided by the instructor is unacceptable. 
Likewise, it is not acceptable to obtain information about past exams.


Labs are 3.5 hours long. If you tend to run over or need to be somewhere let us know and we will help. Also it is expected that all spectral work can and should be done on another day.


Laboratory work is not permitted on the weekends.


Beyond the free extension given in the lab manual, all other extensions require the joint approval of a dean and your instructor.


Regarding the laboratory notebook.

The laboratory notebook is like a diary. Some weeks you will be setting up a new procedure, in which case the listed elements (listed in the schedule for lab manual) will be followed rigorously. Many weeeks, howeve, you will not have a new procedure, but everything you should be recorded in your notebook. Those weeks, the TA's will be much more flexible and you have to trust them. Every student must record all data. It is not good practice to divide up the data. Please try to adopt the idea that the lab notebook is not the place you do write-ups (though you may do write-ups in a note book it must be in a separate location). Rather, it is the place you thoroughly plan and prepare, revise with your group and finally ,where you record your data.

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